Growing up 1/2 Canadian, I've always had an appreciation for tea. While I drank more coffee, tea did make regular appearances in my hot beverages rotation. I love hot beverages - coffee, tea, hot chocolate, hot cider, and hot toddies! Just to name a few.
For the last few years, tea has quickly been overtaking coffee - and everything else. It started when I was researching trying to conceive (long before we actually could start trying). Living near a Teavana store, I quickly became a loose leaf tea addict.
With my Ethical Eating journey, the way I look at tea (and coffee) has developped even further. I urge you to purchase Fair Trade or Equal Exchange coffees and teas. It makes a huge difference in the lives of the farmers and the global economy.
These days, I start every morning with an excellent cup of Organic Fair Trade whole leaf green tea. My current favorite is the Wulu tea from World Market, and I can't stop singing it's praises. The health benefits are amazing. And since I don't have to add sugar or creamers like I do to coffee (though admittedly creamers are half the fun of coffee), there are zero calories, just gobs of benefits.
Since switching to green tea, I've seen many improvements in my health, mood, concentration, and mornings as a whole - much more so than I ever acheived with coffee or bagged teas. I've incorporated it into some new herbal remedies I've been working on, and have acheived outstanding results so far. Seriously, if you ever suffer from allergies, you have to read this.
Herbal remedies and herbal teas have always been the realm of non-conformist hippies in my mind. Sure, I'd recognize a few here and there, but the thought of creating my own tea seemed to be taking it a little far. That is, until I found the mountains of scientific research backing up many of the health benefits of certain teas.
Being easily swayed by science, and a lover of plants and all things natural, I've really started to dive in, with excellent results. And I've drawn a new conclusion: Just as a tiny bit of research opened my eyes to the fact that our culture has been completely brainwashed into seeing birth as medical instead of natural, we have also been "trained" to turn to chemical answers provided by large corporations when nature provides us with excellent answers.
Now, I'm not talking about chewing on tree bark instead of taking pain killers after a major surgery or trying to treat cancer with tea (though study after study has shown that green tea very much helps with cancer treatments). I'm talking about depending on a diet consisting mainly of vegetables to keep us healthy; using natural products to clean our homes instead of hazardous chemicals; and treating minor ailments with TRUSTED plants (see my Cold Remedy Soup). READ MORE>>
8 hours ago
I really wanna love far what I've tried I don't like. :( I like iced tea a lot so I know I could like the hot stuff.
I don't drink tea, unless it's herbal and I'm really sick, but I can appreciate the benefits of it. Thanks for the info!
I like tea - black, grean, herbs, "red" teas - but they will never replace my love for coffee. I simply adore the taste. (Really. I used to have decaf at home before I switched to FairTrade coffee, which is hardly found as decaf around here.) I have got to limit my coffee consumption to max. 3 mugs per day (and one at night if it was a hard day), and drink different kinds of tea (mostly non-caffeine varieties) throughout the day: Peppermint, red fruit, fennel, ginger, ...
It is unbelievable. We are so connected right now. On yesterday's post i said my herbal tea remedy-potion for colds and right now i am brewing a huge pot.
I made a discovery that probably everybody already knew except myself. I used my coffee machine and in the filter i put the herbs. It is perfect for those days that i am drinking cup after cup. This way i do not have to be in the kitchen every 10 minutes.
I did n't think anyone would appreciate today's post. I thought it would come out a bit hippie gibberish. I am grateful for your comment. If you are good with herbs and oils you could make him an aftershave if he uses one.
Oh! the smell of chamomile and st john's wort is calling me from the kitchen. Got to go!
Be blessed.
I do like herbal teas. I discovered some great ones when I was living in Canada. :-)
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