Saturday, December 12, 2009


I have had this really obnoxious and persistent cough for a couple weeks now, and one strange thought keeps popping into my head:

I hate coughing when I'm peeing.

I'm not sure I can really identify why, but it just doesn't seem right to me at all. Not that I can help it most of the time, because, obviously, if I could I would. But I just don't like coughing when I pee.

The other night I was hacking wretchedly around the house trying to get some chores done, and my wonderful husband, MacGyver, pulled me aside to say, "Honey, I love you. You are so beautiful, and I'm so sad you're sick - But your cough is getting really, really annoying."

Lol. Ah, the love. My cough subsequently became even more annoying because it became cough, cough, hack "Sorry." cough.

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